Industry Report

                                                          Visit At BSNL Rajkot

Visit On: 11-03-2019

Dear Sir,

Sub: Report of Industrial Visit at BSNL Rajkot. 

At BSNL they divide we all into twp parts. after that our visit starts. First, we have gone to see Mainframe, in that I see many jumper wires that use for telephone Mainframe for precaution they use Fuse if in wire’s there is a high voltage will come then the Fuse will for that, it will not damage to any other device. In that also they give some live example of communication. 

 After seeing this we have gone to see the connection of the telephone for a particular area. In which we see a limitation of 20 connection of land-line telephone and name of that is that place sir give brief about connections if have any problem than how they solve it and how they identify the problem and location of it.

 After this, we have gone to the conference room at BSNL.In the conference room one sir is present they give some more information about BSNL and some knowledge about how they work also they give some information about BSNL Ahemdabad. 

 After the conference room, we have gone to switching room at a place one sir is present they give brief about switching. They give knowledge of switching and also sir tell how today’s switching different compare to before 8 to 10 years and he also said in today privacy of people is very high compared to before 8 to 10 years. 

 After this, we have gone to power room or battery room in that place one uncle is present he gives information about how many AC and DC power they give also he shows to us battery backup for BSNL also they see to us if a fire happens in power room then how they handle. 

 In-room There is LMG servers. In BSNL they use 13 LMG servers. and BSNL is able to connect 21,000 connection means BSNL allows 21,000 costumers at a time.

 From our BSNL visit, I remember this thing and conclusion of the visit is now we know how networking company’s work and we observe that many complications in this but they handle very easily. we enjoyed this industry visit and also learn more thing about networking.


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